Friday, October 26, 2012

People out there.

If i could, i would drive across the country in a big bus and pick all of the sad people up and we would go to the beach together and i would buy you all food and then candy & ice cream and we would tell jokes and it would be a really great adventure and after it was done we would all be happy and whenever when you are sad, you can think about it and be happy again, but since i can't, look to the bright side of life, things will get better.
Everything in life on earth is temporary. So if things are going good, enjoy it because it won't last forever. And if things are going bad, don't worry because it can't last forever either. When problems are too high, get down on your knees and pray (God doesn't judge your prayer by its length nor volume, He looks at the heart behind the words.)

And yes, i'm here to listen. (:

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