Sunday, February 10, 2013


I'm back with a new post! So here it goes..

Many things happened to me this year.

Bad: At first, i really thought that 2013 is not a year for me. Piece of shit.   I really had difficulties coping with studies & cca. Sec 4 life is a torture for me, tests tests and more tests, remedial almost everyday (glad that i'm not wanted by teachers, so i don't have to go for every extra lessons.) Next, cca practice for syf in April and unreasonable teacher-in-charge expect us to memorize scores when we are not familiar with the way it should be played. Haha bullshit. Sometimes i really wonder who will actually be by my side, just to listen to my complaints, encourage me, that's all.

Good: After i have spoken to a nice teacher of mine, i finally let down the big stone on my shoulder. Day by day, more great things happened! I met a really nice guy who helped us in a rainy day. So touched by his action, i can't take the scene off my mind. Lastly, I never regret becoming a Christian and going to CGM church. I really thank God for loving me and knowing that He loves me. Everlasting 
Even if it's something bad, i always remind myself that if God brings me to it, He will bring me through it. No matter what, i'll do my best and let God do the rest.

2013 is not a bad year after all. ^^


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